Tiramisu - literally means "pick me up". how "romantic", a dessert has something to do with picking up chicks/guys. yeah it's from one of the romantic nations Italy.
Tiramisu is an Italian dessert with a specific soft sweet cheese "Mascarpone". it's layered with coffee & alcohol mixture dipped biscuits and mascarpone & cream mixture. it shouldn't be too hard to make if you have the right tools and a good teacher, which is this blog.
Tiramisu 的原意大利文, 意思其實是類似 "來溝我吧" 咁樣的. 食甜品可以食到咁... 真係意大利人先做得出. 當然意大利原文係無咁粗俗的, 而係浪漫的, 因為"真心話用外語講係真心的架嘛"。
Tiramisu 係一個好出名的芝士糕甜品. 主要材料是 Mascarpone 這種芝士. 這種芝士是其實一種甜的芝士, 與 車打芝士, 薄餅芝士等鹹芝士唔同, 主要就是要來造甜品. 也有人放進薄餅或意粉來增加幼滑感的. 這個芝士蛋糕, 另一個材料就是浸了咖啡和酒的餅乾. 成品就是芝士及餅乾, 夾層出來的.
入正題之前講下無謂野先, 剛剛同朋友們對話, 講到的唔熟既人請你去佢地婚宴, 應該點推呢?